David Yarrow
Standard (framed): 71 x 116
Location: KENYA
This is probably my lead shot of 2019 and I am deeply grateful to my guide - Juma Wanyama - without which it would not have been possible. Not only does he facilitate my partnership with the street smart Masai spotters whom I asked to search for Tim and Craig at first light, he has also helped develop my working relationship with the Kenyan Wildlife Service (KWS) who oversee and support my work in Amboseli. It is not on paper, but I believe that the considerable sums we give back to conservation in Africa (over $1m a year) helps our cause with the KWS.
However, Juma’s key skill is his understanding of the mood of both Tim and Craig and their willingness to tolerate my presence in their space. He worked wonders to allow this epic encounter to materialise. I have total trust in Juma and I think he also knows, after eight years of working together, that I am responsible when out of the jeep. One cavalier move could be fatal.